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Lead Pastor & Teacher

dr. gary & sheryl durham


Dr. Gary Durham is the Senior Pastor/Teacher of Palm City New Hope in Palm City, Florida and is distinguished for his captivating speaking and teaching. In the past he has served his denomination as a conference speaker, teacher, missionary and pastor and has taught in many different denominations. He holds three earned degrees, including the Doctorate of Theology and has pursued a post-doctoral PH.D. in Philosophy with a focus on Apologetics. He served for many years as theologian and master teacher for Freedom Ministries International, a pastoral training institute. He has been a speaker at C.S. Lewis Foundation events and a presenter at their academic forum at Oxford and Cambridge University. In what he calls his "hobby life" he is an inventor, along with his brother, Steve, and together they hold several patents worldwide in the field of electromagnetics and energy generation technology. He has a daughter and son-in-law, Pastor David and Janet Russell, a son and daughter-in-law, Pastor Ryan and Colleen Durham and four grandchildren, Gavin who married Kayla and Ethan Russell and Kaia and Ian Durham. He and his wife Sheryl of 51 years live in Stuart, Florida. 

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Executive Pastor

gary & (Irene) 



God wired me to serve.  When I surrendered to him, He gave me a love for the local church and I have served the church and the pastors everywhere I’ve been.  Nothing brings me more joy than helping the pastor and staff fulfill their ministries by “making straight their highways,” and eliminating distractions.



I was called into full-time pastoring at age 52.  Before that, my work career was a mix of ministry and business administration, always serving in my church.  In 2001, Pastor Durham called me to join his staff as Executive Pastor.  We subsequently served together in Moscow, Idaho, and then came here to New Hope in 2002.



After many years of shaking my fist at God and telling Him to let me do what I wanted, I surrendered my will to Jesus Christ at age 24.   I was discipled by a number of mature believers and have been on a spiritual journey in which God has pruned many bad branches from my life and has helped me to, “If possible, as far as it depends on me, be at peace with all men.” Rom 12:18



I met my wife Irene in college and we’ve been happily married since 1974.  We have two grown married children and 10 grandchildren.  My recharging places have changed with aging, and currently I am happy to be camping in our travel trailer, preferably in the Pacific Northwest in out-of-the way places.

Worship Pastor

ryan & (colleen) 



The times I’ve felt the closest to God and heard Him speak to the deepest parts of my heart and sensed His passionate, unfailing love the most has been in intimate times of worship with Him.  My passion and motivation in life is to help others experience His presence in the same way.  Music moves people and truth changes people.  When those two things are brought together in an artful and skillful manner, it’s a powerful force that God can use to break down walls, heal wounds and draw us into a rich and life-changing relationship with Him.  My passion and my calling in life is to help everyone I can experience that kind of relationship, not just on Sundays but every day of the week as well. 



I’m a Pastor’s Kid.  I’ve lived in 10 different states, ranging from Washington state to Florida, from Vermont to Colorado and a whole plethora in between.  I felt a calling on my life to lead worship at the age of 15.  I started leading worship in our youth group and eventually went on to receive more training at Trevecca Nazarene University.  After college, I led worship for the high school and college groups at Central Church in Wichita, KS.  In 2002, I moved down to Florida and became the Worship Pastor at Palm City New Hope.  In 2015, God called me to lead worship at Killearn United Methodist church in Tallahassee, FL.  I stayed there for 7 years. Then God gave me a great surprise and called me back to Palm City New Hope where I became their Worship Pastor once again. 



I decided to follow Jesus when I was 6 years old.  I didn’t fully understand what that meant at the time but, through the years, my faith and my trust in Jesus grew stronger and it has become the anchor and foundation of my life.  



I love spending my free time with my wife Colleen and our two kiddos, Kaia and Ian.  We’re a competitive bunch, so we love to play soccer, football, ping pong, board games and any competitive game we can get our hands on.  

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Community Relations &

Young Adults Pastor

rick & nancy 



"God's Amazing Love & Saving Grace" is the most profound and life-changing message I've ever heard or experienced. I've devoted the past [30+] years telling as many people who would listen about how Jesus rescued me and then added me to "God's Forever Love Story" and how He wants to include them as well. Seeing others come to "Freedom in Christ" and then helping them "Grow in Wisdom, Power & Purpose" is truly a delight!



I grew up as an AK [Army Kid] and have been in the Ministry since 1991. I've lived in Chicago, IL • Colorado Springs, CO • Ft. Sill, OK • Nuremberg, Germany • Lawton, OK • Dallas, TX • Stuart, FL • Colorado Springs, CO • Dayton, OH • Kankakee, IL • Virginia Beach, VA • Palm City, FL – I have served in multiple Ministry Roles in my [30+] years (e.g. Youth & Families Pastor, Church Administrator, Para-Church Ministry Youth Pastor, High School Youth & Families Pastor, Executive Pastor, Lead Pastor, Young Adult Pastor, Community Relations Pastor, Upward Sports Director, and Founder & CEO of Hope Alive Productions).



God rescued me and then miraculously delivered me from a 13-year life of addiction, stupidity, and brokenness. After [5] years of Intense Biblical Training & Discipleship from God's Word, the Holy Spirit, and through [7] Amazing Mentors while serving in many Volunteer roles God called me into full-time Pastoral Ministry. It has been the "Journey of a Lifetime." I hope you will allow me to be a part of the next chapter God has for you!  



Nancy and I have been together for over [40] years (she's my best friend, the love of my life, the BEST wife, mother & Nina [grandmother] EVER, and my Ministry Partner). We have two beautiful, talented, and amazing daughters. Both are married. Tonie (the oldest) still lives in Virginia Beach, VA with her husband (Erin = Aaron) and their two children Freya [2019] & Quinn [2021]. Porscha (our youngest) lives here in Stuart, FL with her husband (Anthony) and their son Carson [2023].

Family Life Pastor &

TMMA - The Master's Martial Arts

steve & (brianne) 


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My desire is to please my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I want to see everyone, young and old, come into an intimate, growing, and fruitful relationship with Jesus Christ. I want to bear much fruit for His honor and glory, and hear those words, “well done, good and faithful servant.”



I have had the privilege of working with thousands of young people through a martial arts ministry called, The Master’s Martial Arts. I have also ministered for many years to countless families as a family pastor and hundreds of men through men’s ministries, as well as through “Transformed” weekend events.



I gave my life to Christ as a young boy through my mother’s direction and example. Since that time, I have always had a desire to please Him and a longing to serve Him faithfully. I have certainly made multiple mistakes along the way, but by His grace, He has kept me and bore fruit through me.



God has blessed me with a gorgeous wife, six wonderful boys and five beautiful girls. He has been so good to my family that I felt compelled to write a book called, “Miracle on Markel Street”. In this story, we document the many miracles God has done for our family. 

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Discipleship Director

dave & (joni) 



Helping others find traction with Christ is the thing about which I’m most passionate. It has come through embracing a simple conviction—that Christians in the New Testament possessed all of the truth that they needed for the deliverance they desired. I came to realize that, if indeed that is true, then I need to primarily pursue what they experienced rather than modern techniques for life change that often fall short of or produce a different outcome than what God desires.



I was born and raised in Birmingham, AL, the second of four children. After I met and married Joni during our college years, I continued through seminary and then served as pastor in three churches in Indiana and Florida. Joni and I have three children, a daughter and a son who now live with their families in Florida, each with their own three children. Our other son, our beloved Nathan, is in heaven. 



I was raised in the church, and entered the ministry many years ago. Still, I didn’t profoundly discover Christ until I was 48 years of age. That experience and the subsequent freedom, power, and purpose that resulted was so transforming that I wrote a book about it entitled “Higher Pursuits—Overcoming the Lies that Keep Us from Freedom, Power, and Purpose.” It is a resource that I use in ministering to men today.



My mother was the most tender person I have ever known. She gave me a pastor’s heart. If there’s one thing that I’d rather do at church more than anything else, it’s walk around, talk to people, listen to them, and love them.

Children's Pastor

christy & (tim) 



I believe that children hold the incredible potential and are also dealing with overwhelming contrasting messages about what they should believe. I wish to come along side parents as they obey God’s directives to raise up Godly children. 



My parents started attending New Hope Church when I was 5 years old and grew under spiritual, emotionally and physically under its influence. My spiritual family has always been a big part of my roots in life.



I am a daughter of a pastor and a prayer warrior mother. I made a commitment to Christ at the age of 5. I was blessed with many strong Christian mentors through my church. I decided to get a Bachelor’s degree in Biblical Studies at Palm Beach Atlantic University because of the passion for the Bible my church had birthed in me. 



I love being a wife and mother. When I am not teaching or laughing with “my” church children, I am often at the park rollerblading with my own little flock of children. 

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Church Life Pastor &

Office Manager

diane & (steve) 



Jesus loves me, this I know. It was His love that touched my broken, scared, wounded, hurting spirit.
Salvation through Jesus Christ, the healing of my inner self, and the work of the Holy Spirit in my life has
given me a desire to want to help others come to that same freedom and healing, to feel God’s life and
peace in their spirit. It is wonderful to see people overcome their trials and become whole.



I was born in Naha, Okinawa, Japan on July 7, 1962, the eldest of three children born to Hiram and Terue Bundy, and lived in many places; Okinawa, Oregon, New York, Guam, and Pennsylvania. I grew up in several states and countries when I was very young, which was really difficult for the shy child that I was. The Lord gave me a large view of the world by exposing me to different people groups and cultures. I answered His call to full-time ministry in 2009 and was ordained an elder in the Church of the Nazarene in 2015.



I first understood that Jesus loved me and realized what He did for me the summer I turned twelve, and believed in Jesus for salvation and prayed for Him to forgive me. However, in my young adult years, I struggled as I tried to live a holy life in my own strength, not totally trusting and obeying God.  It wasn’t until I surrendered all areas of my life to Him that I felt at peace and had the heavy weight of sin, guilt and shame lifted off me! He’s still working on me and I’m forever grateful for the continuing work of the Holy Spirit in




My husband, Stephen, and I were married in 1987. We have three grown children, a daughter-in-law, son-in-law, and six grandchildren.
My happy place is walking in the woods up north when we visit our family. It reminds me of the fun times I had hunting with my father. Speaking of my dad, I had the privilege of marrying him in May 2019, when I officiated his wedding to my stepmom, Carolyn.

Adorasyon An Krayòl Pastor

Marckenson & (Carine) Etienne


My greatest motivation is to bring as many lives to salvation as possible. I would like to change the world for God and spread the word of God to the far reaches of the Earth. I have a passion for ministering to the lost and weary that others have neglected and thrown away.



I have been a lead pastor of the Haitian congregation here at Palm City New Hope since 2017. I commenced my coursework here at Palm City New Hope under the tutelage of Dr. Gary Durham. I have many more goals to further my education and hope in 2024 I will continue to grow.



I grew up in a household that only sometimes served the Lord and was in and out of the church. Although the dark forces worked hard to commit my family to the devil, as a young adult I had a vision that I am needed on the side of light. God spoke to me and helped me understand that I will be a changing force in bringing souls to Christ. Along with my older brother, we have been able to minister to many of our family and brought them into the fold. On that day of Judgement my dream is to have helped fill up heaven with His faithful servants, leaving nothing for the devil.



I have a passion for songwriting, music and film making. Aside from spending time with my wife Carine and children Canaan and Marianie, I enjoy quality time with my many siblings.

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Creative Director

Michael grant


As the church we are here to reach the lost and how we do that in our rapidly changing society has to adapt so that we can see how to get through to people in today’s culture. Paul said he was all things to all people. I don’t think this is a call to be relevant in all that we do, but rather to understand the culture around us so we know how to reach in and pull out the lost. We weren’t called to isolate from the world, we were called to be set apart. The church should be utilizing the tools of media and technology to connect with the lost so that they might be willing to hear the gospel.



I was born in upstate New York and spent my formative years in New Jersey. I spent a year in Hawaii after high school. I moved to Florida in 2005 and have lived in Martin County ever since. I joined the staff at New Hope in 2016 after volunteering in several different capacities for several years. I am currently the Creative Director. In 2022 I started a production business with a friend called Narrow Gate Avenue and am working to increase my ministry reach through this business.



I grew up in the church but rejected it in my later teen years. By age 20 I was fully immersed into drugs. When I was 24 God delivered me from my addiction, but it took another four years for me to stop running from Him and commit my life to Him. God clearly had plans for my life because there were several times I should have died, and many more that should have landed me in prison. I am grateful for His grace and mercy and have felt for a long time that nothing other than serving in ministry can satisfy His call on my life. 



I enjoy visual storytelling very much and consider myself a cinephile. Beside movies I also enjoy graphic novels and video games. I also regularly play poker with a group of friends.

Production Intern

samuel nemeth


I seek to further the kingdom of God our Father through music and the production of music so that His name might be glorified.



I have been a musician for the last 5 years. I play guitar and I’m now starting piano and vocal lessons. I have been mixing for the last year both live and in a studio.



I got saved when I was five and have been in the church my whole life. I seek to grow in the Lord and become an active vessel for His use.



I enjoy reading, art, playing guitar, and martial arts. God has been very good to me.
May the grace of our Lord Jesus be with you all.  

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High Hopes Preschool

Nancy bruno


Becoming a mother was the push I needed to go back to my Methodist upbringing. I wanted to expose my children to God's word and His love.


Born in Tallahassee as a second generation Floridian to a set of wonderful parents who raised us peacefully and lovingly. I grew up in the church and my values were a product of my family and my church. 


During college and my young adult life I pulled away from the church to do things I considered more important like job, friends and fun. After marriage I felt I was too busy with all the newness of life to find time to get back to my church and since life was so good I felt I didn't need anything else. After the trauma of my first child being in a health crisis at birth I soon realized I needed more. My husband and I decided to have him baptized and bring him into the church and make our way back to trusting God with our problems. 

The best decision ever made was to return to my religious roots and I've been there ever since. I renew my faith every day as I have the privilege to teach children of God's love and see the effect knowing Jesus has on these young lives. 

Service Times

Sunday Morning
9:00am Discipleship Courses for all ages

10:00am Atrium Connect *Have some coffee and make new friends. 

10:30am Worship Celebration

Sunday Evening - Family On Fire

5:00pm Dinner

6:00pm Service



3900 SW Citrus Blvd.
Palm City, FL 34990



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© 2025 Palm City New Hope. 

Video and Branding created and managed by Narrow Gate Avenue and NGA Design

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